Please Read
Please keep in mind that this will be updated regularly with more information. Since Scouts Plants is still a work in progress, please be patient while we work our hardest to assemble information about houseplants.
How to Grow Cuttings
Now that you've bought some cuttings from Scouts Plants, you are probably wondering how to grow them, each order will come with a sheet of paper with directions on how to grow your cuttings. There are two types of ways that we advise you to grow your cuttings at Scouts Plants, water or soil. For plants like Pothos, Monstera, and Peperomia, we recommend you grow them in water. For plants like the Thanksgiving Cactus or most species of Cacti, soil usually works better. When growing cuttings in water, you place the section where there is a node into the water, fully submerged. You can add rooting hormone to the water to speed up the process. With soil propagation, you just add your plant to the soil and let its roots grow. You can also add rooting hormone to the soil to speed up the process when using the soil propagation method.
ZZ Plant
Low light plant
Water when completely dried out, ZZ Plants have bulbs that store water, so you do not need to water them as often.
Thrives on neglect
Comfortable in household temperatures​
Snake Plant
Sanseveria Trifiscatia
Water every two weeks or when soil is dried.
Is comfortable in temperatures ranging from 55-85 degrees F.
Thrives on neglect.